The Tree
7:30 pm19:30

The Tree

Opus Anglicanum presents The Tree – a poignant, thought-provoking and intriguing sequence of music and texts based on the tree in its physical, metaphorical, symbolic and religious forms.

The programme features music from ancient plainchant and mediaeval & renaissance polyphony through to folksongs and carols celebrating trees, alongside Cheryl Frances-Hoad's Vexilla Regis, commissioned by Opus Anglicanum.  Readings and poems vary from the religious and poetic through to the symbolic and horticultural.

Assured and polished — Classic FM

Expect true class — The Guardian

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The Tree
7:30 pm19:30

The Tree

Opus Anglicanum presents The Tree – a poignant, thought-provoking and intriguing sequence of music and texts based on the tree in its physical, metaphorical, symbolic and religious forms.

The programme features music from ancient plainchant and mediaeval & renaissance polyphony through to folksongs and carols celebrating trees, alongside Cheryl Frances-Hoad's Vexilla Regis, commissioned by Opus Anglicanum.  Readings and poems vary from the religious and poetic through to the symbolic and horticultural.

Assured and polished — Classic FM

Expect true class — The Guardian

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Candlemas - Wells Cathedral
7:00 pm19:00

Candlemas - Wells Cathedral

Opus Anglicanum presents an immersive evening of ethereal plainchant for the Christian feast of Candlemas.  Hear ancient antiphons, psalms and hymns and follow the singers as they process around the beautiful interior of Wells Cathedral, which will be stripped of chairs and pews.  Experience the world of elaborate Sarum rite plainchant that filled our great cathedrals for centuries before the Reformation.

Early booking advised.

Assured and polished — Classic FM

Expect true class — The Guardian

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Mediaeval Carols - Wells Cathedral   SOLD OUT
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols - Wells Cathedral SOLD OUT

Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas. Opus Anglicanum return to Wells Cathedral with their annual sell-out Christmas concert.  From simple Gregorian chant and devotional polyphony to joyous & raucous Christmas songs (some of which are over 800 years old), listen to beautiful mediaeval readings interspersed within the music creating peaceful moments of quiet reflection.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

'Every item is a distinctive delight, beautifully sung, interspersed with perfectly judged readings.' — Dame Emma Kirkby

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Mediaeval Carols - Goring-on-Thames
7:00 pm19:00

Mediaeval Carols - Goring-on-Thames

Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas. Opus Anglicanum come to Goring-on-Thames with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert.  From simple Gregorian chant and devotional polyphony to joyous & raucous Christmas songs (some of which are over 800 years old), hear beautiful mediaeval readings interspersed within the music creating peaceful moments of quiet reflection.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

'Every item is a distinctive delight, beautifully sung, interspersed with perfectly judged readings.' — Dame Emma Kirkby

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Mediaeval Carols - Newbury
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols - Newbury

Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas. Opus Anglicanum come to Newbury with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert.  From simple Gregorian chant and devotional polyphony to joyous & raucous Christmas songs (some of which are over 800 years old), hear beautiful mediaeval readings interspersed within the music creating peaceful moments of quiet reflection.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

'Every item is a distinctive delight, beautifully sung, interspersed with perfectly judged readings.' — Dame Emma Kirkby

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Figgy Pudding - Chipping Campden
7:00 pm19:00

Figgy Pudding - Chipping Campden

A welcome return of Opus Anglicanum, the unique musical story-telling group, with five singers and a narrator. Their enduring favourite programme of Christmas jollity with fun festive readings mixed with carols, music-hall and folk songs makes the fire crackle and warms the heart of every Scrooge!

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Mediaeval Carols - Wivenhoe
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols - Wivenhoe

Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas. Opus Anglicanum come to Wivenhoe with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert.  From simple Gregorian chant and devotional polyphony to joyous & raucous Christmas songs (some of which are over 800 years old), hear beautiful mediaeval readings interspersed within the music creating peaceful moments of quiet reflection.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

'Every item is a distinctive delight, beautifully sung, interspersed with perfectly judged readings.' — Dame Emma Kirkby

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Candlemas at Wells Cathedral
7:00 pm19:00

Candlemas at Wells Cathedral

In recent years Opus Anglicanum have explored the rich potential of Gregorian chant to inspire contemporary expression, notably with pianist Jason Rebello. Now, experience once more the original inspiration: Opus Anglicanum's immersive, mesmerising recreation, for unaccompanied voices alone - no piano - no harmony - just the ancient chant Vespers and Procession for Candlemas.

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Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral

Opus Anglicanum return to Wells with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert. A programme of atmospheric medieval music and readings, Gregorian chant and polyphony. Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

'Every item is a distinctive delight, beautifully sung, interspersed with perfectly judged readings.' — Dame Emma Kirkby

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The Garden
7:30 pm19:30

The Garden

  • Church of St Andrew & St Mary, Grantchester (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pairing English folksong (Sweet Lavender) with Renaissance polyphony (Palestrina Dilectus meus, from the Song of Songs), framing words about gardens by this likes of Francis Bacon, George Herbert and Andrew Marvell read by our narrator Zeb Soanes (presenter of Smooth Classics on Classic FM). We have given this programme on several memorably lovely summer evenings in beautiful English churches.

Presented in association with Grape Britannia, providing a glass of English wine on entry.

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Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral

Opus Anglicanum return to Wells with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert. A programme of wonderful medieval music and readings, Gregorian chant and polyphony. Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

'Every item is a distinctive delight, beautifully sung, interspersed with perfectly judged readings.' — Dame Emma Kirkby

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Seeds of Love
7:00 pm19:00

Seeds of Love

  • Our Lady & St John Catholic Church, Goring (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In one of Opus Anglicanum’s best-loved programmes, we explore the wonder and excitement of the early 20th century collectors of English folk music as they toured the land with bicycle, notebook and phonograph. Memorable words and wonderful music of Vaughan Williams, Butterworth, Cecil Sharp and Percy Grainger tell poignant and hilarious tales of Morris tunes and sea shanties, of ploughmen and washerwomen, and of the race to preserve their inspirational music before war and progress swept it away.

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Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral

Opus Anglicanum return to Wells with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert. A programme of wonderful medieval music and readings, Gregorian chant and polyphony. Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

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Mediaeval Carols in Dorchester
8:00 pm20:00

Mediaeval Carols in Dorchester

Opus Anglicanum return to Dorchester with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert. A programme of wonderful medieval music and readings, Gregorian chant and polyphony. Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts — The Guardian

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Candlemas with Jason Rebello - Gregorian Chant Reinvented
8:00 pm20:00

Candlemas with Jason Rebello - Gregorian Chant Reinvented

  • Turner Sims - University of Southampton (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The immersive sounds of ancient Gregorian chant are the centrepiece of this remarkable new collaboration between Opus Anglicanum and pianist extraordinaire Jason Rebello. A seamless interweaving of meditative plainchant, solo piano, and the combination of the two, this special event blurs the boundaries between classical music and improvisation, creating an atmosphere which is both calming and spiritual.

Early Booking Advised

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Candlemas with Jason Rebello - Gregorian Chant Reinvented
7:00 pm19:00

Candlemas with Jason Rebello - Gregorian Chant Reinvented

The immersive sounds of ancient Gregorian chant are the centrepiece of this remarkable new collaboration between Opus Anglicanum and pianist extraordinaire Jason Rebello. A seamless interweaving of meditative plainchant, solo piano, and the combination of the two, this special event blurs the boundaries between classical music and improvisation, creating an atmosphere which is both calming and spiritual. You are free to wander the nave during the performance.

Early Booking Advised

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Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral (SOLD OUT)
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral (SOLD OUT)

Opus Anglicanum return to Wells with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert. A programme of wonderful medieval music and readings, Gregorian chant and polyphony. Experience a candlelit journey into the spiritual heart of a medieval Christmas.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts - (The Guardian, 2017) 

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Mediaeval Carols in Bath
6:00 pm18:00

Mediaeval Carols in Bath

Opus Anglicanum will bring their hugely popular Christmas programme to Prior Park College, an event that sells out each year at Wells Cathedral.  Thoughtful texts interweaved with mediaeval carols and plainchant in the magical candlelit setting of the impressive college chapel.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts - (The Guardian, 2017) 

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A Vigil for St Edmund
7:00 pm19:00

A Vigil for St Edmund

  • St Peter and St Paul's Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come and join us to commemorate the 1150th anniversary of the martyrdom of St Edmund. Concert of readings and mediaeval music in honour of St Edmund with Opus Anglicanum and Zeb Soanes.

It is thought that this will be the first performance of this vigil since the Reformation and space is limited so do book early to avoid disappointment.


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The Great and Wide Sea - Crescendo Music Festival
7:00 pm19:00

The Great and Wide Sea - Crescendo Music Festival

  • All Saints Church, Pakefield (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this special festival event, the five unaccompanied male singers of Opus Anglicanum and their narrator Zeb Soanes present an atmospheric programme of original commissions from two of the UK’s leading female composers: a complete reading of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's epic Rime of the Ancient Mariner with music by Lynne Plowman, and Sally Beamish’s powerful Sea Psalm, setting an account from the only surviving officer of the destroyer HMS Duchess, which was sunk on 12 December 1939. Come and enjoy this memorable concert in the evocative setting of Pakefield Church, from where you can gaze out over the great and wide sea...

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Candlemas with Opus Anglicanum and Jason Rebello
7:00 pm19:00

Candlemas with Opus Anglicanum and Jason Rebello

The ancient Gregorian chant of Candlemas in a remarkable new synthesis with Jason Rebello, piano improviser extraordinaire, casting a brilliant new light on Opus Anglicanum's popular Candlemas Promenade Concert. The audience is free to wander the chairless nave with its solitary grand piano, and all around the Cathedral, throughout the performance.

Tickets £15

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Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral
7:30 pm19:30

Mediaeval Carols at Wells Cathedral

Opus Anglicanum return to Wells with their most popular sell-out Christmas concert.  Thoughtful texts interweave with mediaeval carols and plainchant in the magical candlelit setting of the cathedral quire.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts, 2017 - (The Guardian) 

Tickets £20

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Mediaeval Carols in Bath
6:00 pm18:00

Mediaeval Carols in Bath

Opus Anglicanum bring their most popular Christmas event to Prior Park College - an event that sells-out each year at Wells Cathedral.  Thoughtful texts interweave with mediaeval carols and plainchant in a magical candlelit setting.

Early booking advised.

One of the UK's Top 10 Carol Concerts, 2017 - (The Guardian) 

Tickets £20

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