Jason Rebello and Opus Anglicanum are thrilled to launch ‘Adorna’, their exciting new album, in January 2022
Jason Rebello with Opus Anglicanum
'Adorna': ethereal Gregorian plainchant for the feast of Candlemas meets with unique, spontaneous piano improvisations in this striking collaboration between Opus Anglicanum and jazz pianist Jason Rebello.
Candlemas is the winter day that all the Church’s candles for the year were blessed, and a festival of the first stirring of spring. In ‘Adorna’, the ancient monastic chants, as sung annually over the centuries in cathedrals and abbeys to mark Candlemas, blend with Jason’s piano - a magical new interpretation of light dispelling darkness.
Opus Anglicanum
Jason Rebello piano
Please note that this performance will last approximately 75 minutes without interval.