Opus Anglicanum presents The Tree – a poignant, thought-provoking and intriguing sequence of music and texts based on the tree in its physical, metaphorical, symbolic and religious forms.
The programme features music from ancient plainchant and mediaeval & renaissance polyphony through to folksongs and carols celebrating trees, alongside Cheryl Frances-Hoad's Vexilla Regis, commissioned by Opus Anglicanum. Readings and poems vary from the religious and poetic through to the symbolic and horticultural.
Assured and polished — Classic FM
Expect true class — The Guardian
Opus Anglicanum presents The Tree – a poignant, thought-provoking and intriguing sequence of music and texts based on the tree in its physical, metaphorical, symbolic and religious forms.
The programme features music from ancient plainchant and mediaeval & renaissance polyphony through to folksongs and carols celebrating trees, alongside Cheryl Frances-Hoad's Vexilla Regis, commissioned by Opus Anglicanum. Readings and poems vary from the religious and poetic through to the symbolic and horticultural.
Assured and polished — Classic FM
Expect true class — The Guardian
“ If you want to escape the usual seasonal fare completely, you could not do better than to find in your stocking Mediaeval Carols. Opus Anglicanum - five superb male singers and a reader - presents a feast of words and music of the very highest quality.”